Member Reviews

Step into the world of Art and Love with Pixels and Paint by Kristi Ann Hunter! This is a delightful Christian contemporary romance that effortlessly combines the worlds of art, technology, and personal growth. We have GREAT engaging characters, a nice faith element and so many cute and funny moments! This book truly captures the essence of following one's passion and finding unexpected connections. I really related to our main character of Emma – her relaxed style, people-pleasing tendencies, love for video games and other personal interests – so relatable.

In this book, Carter Anderson has been struggling to find inspiration for his paintings – until he sees Emma at a local art showing. Emma’s not too thrilled to be there and he can see it immediately. He is so fascinated with her, and she becomes an inspiration for him to create new art that he hasn’t been able to create in 2 years! She is truly an answer to his prayers.

Emma is a TRUE people pleaser who tries to make her mom, sister, coworkers -everyone happy! Whether it be through her mom and sisters’ art events, her fashion choices, or her home décor – she is constantly trying to appeal to their wishes. We see Emma really grow in this book and start to realize it’s ok to just be who she is, regardless of what everyone else wants. She wants her family to be proud of the work she does in her job, so she ends up getting sucked into a project for the art museum that she really isn’t prepared for. That’s when Carter Anderson comes in as they talk all things art appreciation – while getting to know each other on a few dates along the way….

I am so glad I read this one – it was a great time! If you love a good rom-com, STEM romance and a sweet, lighthearted read, this is it! Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy to honestly read and review.

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Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the arc!

It was so hard to get through; it was really slow, and yet nothing really developed till the end. I didn't find any chemistry between the main characters; it just went flat and boring.

Carter was so judgmental towards Emma and I feel like it would be so much better if we didn't have his POV because reading it irks me so much. He's kind of a jerk and rude.

Emma was just there; her character isn't doing much for me; she's under control by her family so much and even at the end she's not really doing much about it so there's not much satisfaction about it.

The two are a mixed pick me girl and pick me boy with very stressful miscommunication that makes me want to pull my hair.
The story was so confusing and all over the place, with so much unnecessary information.

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"Encountering her once was a coincidence, twice was a gift, and the third time in as many months could be nothing short of a miracle."

How can this delightful contemporary romcom be Kristi Ann Hunter's induction into the genre? You'd think this is her genre of choice and craft given how fun and engaging the book is, when in reality she's been firmly planted in Regency romance until now. I love the author's Regency books but am totally adoring her contemporary romcom!

Emma and Carter are unforgettable characters who will live in my heart for years to come. The cast of secondary characters are well-developed and really fill out the story. The premise and plot are fascinating and I learned so much about painting and coding and the processes behind each craft. The dialogue is witty and fluid and the romance is swoon-worthy. I appreciated the faith threads in the story that complemented the characters' depth.

Emma, with her slightly awkward, chaotic, tender-hearted computer programmer personality, is so adorable and lovable. The path to finding her true self is fraught with angst, heartache, and tears but I loved how her heart and loyalty bring her back to the right path. And Carter.... whew. He's one of the best fictional heroes I've encountered this year. Gifted yet self-aware, confident yet humble, patient, kind, thoughtful, romantic - I could go on and on but you'll have to read the book for yourself to find out more about Carter.

If you enjoy contemporary romcom, this is a must-read. Thank you, Kristi Ann Hunter, for pouring out your genius into this genre; I, for one, so needed this book to make me smile, laugh out loud, and shed a few tears.

I received a complimentary copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.

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Emma has lived her life fearing people will never accept who she truly is, Carter is coasting through life looking for inspiration. A chance encounter changes everything for both of them. As a talented computer programmer, Emma has long since learned that her creative family does not support her career choice. She puts up a facade to fit into the mold her mother, sister, and aunt have created for her. Carter sees right through that facade and becomes captivated by this woman behind the exterior.

When Emma asks Carter to help her understand art, sparks fly. As Emma lets Carter into her life, she shows him more and more of her sides. I loved watching these two learn more about each other and how they're seemingly opposite lives mesh together. Hunter's descriptions of the art, houses, and clothes made me almost forget that I was reading words, rather than seeing pictures.

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Emma lives two different lives: the one her mom and sister love and her own. She doesn’t understand the world her mom and sister live in but to make them happy she pretends to be someone she isn’t, hiding who she is from them. Carter Anderson is an artist, consulting for an art gallery. When Emma finds herself involved in a project out of her expertise, she enlists Carter help.

I really liked this story, especially the relationship between Carter and Emma. There’s a bit of a miscommunication trope but not with the main characters. I found the relationship between Emma and Amy interesting. I really didn’t like Amy but I hated how Emma was deceiving her family. I loved the blend of technology and “old school” art in this book. Emma is all about technology and Carter won’t allow phones or smart watches into his art studio. They are complete opposites but they complimented each other very well.

Just like Carter and Emma, I really enjoyed seeing the blend of technology and art by the end. There was a lack of acknowledgment towards Emma’s need to pretend to her family and to her friends. I would’ve liked a bit more development in that regard, especially when it comes to self-identity and compartmentalizing relations.

I’m more familiar with Hunter’s regency books but her writing style translates well to contemporary settings. As a techy person, I really liked the blend and understanding of modern day technology with more traditional mediums. I’m looking forward to Hunter’s next contemporary book.

I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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He is the kind of man that would know how to send a letter and she is the kind of woman who would say, why a letter when you can send an email. AND THEY WORK TOGETHER JUST FINE AND I LOVED THEM.
He sort of falls in love first, idk man, their story just works and i love it.

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Kristi Ann Hunter made me do it! I usually avoid Contemporary fiction, it’s not enough of an escape for me when stories have cell phones, cars and present day problems. However, I love Kristi Ann’s Regency novels so I threw caution to the wind and gave her first contemporary story a try. I am glad I did, it was cute and funny and I found the “present-ness” didn’t really bother me at all! I was all smiles when Emma’s sister makes an impromptu visit to Emma’s apartment and I even teared up a bit when Emma finally let down her walls and let her real self shine through. The romance was sweet, a teensy bit predictable but still enjoyable. I loved Emma’s sarcasm, I feel like we would be fast friends. I would have liked a little more comedy in this rom com, but that’s just me. High five to Kristi, because not only did I like this story, but I’m looking forward to the next one!

Thank you Kristi Ann Hunter and Net Galley for the complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed here are my own.

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My sincere thanks to NetGalley and Oholiab Creations for giving me the opportunity to read Pixels and Paint which is book one in the Trinket Sisters series by Kristi Ann Hunter. My unbiased opinion is found in the following review.

I stayed up WAY too late finishing this one, but it was worth it!

Emma and Carter are an unlikely pair. She is a technology nerd, and he is an artist who definitely does not embrace technology. The two manage to bump into each other several times resulting
in some fun chemistry. When Emma gets a chance to pitch an app to an art gallery, she makes a point of seeking out Carter for tips. Carter is not a fan of any kind of app that will take away from a true visual experience of the artwork, but he finds that he IS a fan of Emma and he really can't quite understand why. She doesn't appreciate art at all! There is a lot more to the story involving Emma and her relationship with her twin sister and mother as well as Carter and his confidence in his abilities and willingness to expand his own way of thinking. I enjoyed watching their relationship unfold. I loved that Carter wanted to try to experience Emma's world as part of his before diving in altogether. Emma also went out of her comfort zone to be a part of Carter's circle and found out that she didn't need to become someone else to do so. Both characters have strong conservative values and there is reference to faith, but it is not heavy handed. Emma belongs to a strong friend group who offer their support throughout.
I would have loved to have read about Carter meeting Emma's mother and aunt. We got to see Emma met Carter's grandparents. Carter's grandfather was a great character.

I truly loved this book and look forward to reading Amy's story soon.

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When Emma and Carter meet they are both pretending to be someone else. But as they keep meeting will they share with each other who they truly are? Some interesting points about the digital world we live in. I loved both characters and how it was told from both points of view. Looking forward to more books from this author.

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This is the first time I've read a Contemporary Romance without skipping the pages or dnf-ing. It's also the first book I've read written by Kristi Ann Hunter. I loved the book, it was a fun read. A world where Tech and Art collide. The lead characters were cute and adorable. I absolutely loved Emma and Carter and their dynamic , how they were ready to learn things from each other and accommodate the other in their life and space around them. Both of thier character development was excellent. Emma being a chronic people pleaser and hiding parts of her life from friends and family to learning who she is and embracing her true self . From being someone who doesn't have an any particular reaction or appreciation of art to learning it's meaning. Also loved how Carter went from being averse and hostile towards tech in general to slowly learning it's pros and necessities and how art and tech can complement each other. Also loved how this book doesn't show that typical twins always get along and understand the other. Emma and Amy have their secrets, don't get along, but they progress to mending thier relationship and trying to get to know each other better. Also .. also, who says boys can't be best friends ? Jason is everything. 😌✨ This book was exactly what I wanted. No spice. Excellent Character development. Mini misunderstanding but the characters mature enough to overcome it . Fun, enjoyable and light hearted. I was able to pick it up where I left off without any confusion. One more thing , what was the point of Richie being there man ?!?😂😂 I wanted to whack him over the head , didn't matter if he was there in less than 15% of the book.
Thank you Net Galley for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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This is Kristi Ann Hunter's first contemporary romance, and I honestly think she executed it really well. I quickly became obsessed with the story and the characters, relating to both Emma and Carter.

Emma's a relaxed tech gal who hates art from a family of super professional, fancy, high status ladies, where she doesn't quite fit in. Carter is a super neat artist who isn't the biggest fan of technology. Chance ends up bringing them together at high profile events, and they eventually hit it off and Carter uncovers who Emma is under the fake personality she upholds for her family.

It was a little bit slow for me at first but I loved this book a lot. It was a sweet love story and I enjoyed the characters and their stories. As an art girly, I really appreciated the detail that went into Carter's artist side, and also the design side of technology that is incorporated with Emma. The side characters were also very well written and it was overall just a nice, easy romance read.

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Kristi Ann Hunter is one of my favorite Regency romance authors, but when I discovered she was working on a contemporary rom-com, I was immediately intrigued.

And I was not disappointed.

Her signature humor is still present. Emma and Carter have plenty of banter. I found myself giggling as I read. Her characters feel like real people I could root for. I could gush all day long about their interactions and the quirks that define them, but I’m afraid of revealing too much.

Discussion about God is minimal, but I wouldn’t say Hunter skimps on spiritual elements. Emma and Carter both have moments when they’re separate from their peers due to their faith. It’s the way they stick to their values that struck me. And the subtility made it all the more powerful.

Overall, Pixels and Paint is a delightful story rom-com lovers will love.

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I've read a couple of Kristi Ann Hunter's regency books before and LOVED them, so when I saw she was indie publishing a contemporary book, I knew I'd want to read it! And boy, am I glad I did.

I liked seeing the dynamic between Emma and her twin sister, Amy (whose real names are Emerald and Amethyst-side note, I love those names!). It was actually kind of nice to see twins who don't always get along, and who do have some secrets from one another. It was also great watching the beginnings of healing in their relationship.

I enjoyed seeing the blending of technology and art with Emma and Carter, and how they can complement one another. How two such different...mediums?...can meld together. But also, the similarities between them.

While this didn't elicit any big emotional reactions within me, it was a fun, lighthearted read. The perfect beach read, in my opinion.

~I was given a complimentary copy of this book. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.~

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This was a sweet story. A bit slow at the beginning but I'm glad I stuck with it and kept reading. Overall a good read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Oholiab Creations for the E-ARC.

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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Massive thank you to NetGalley for the free ARC in return for my honest review!

Oh my goodness, I LOVED this book! After a bit of a reading dry spell, Pixels and Paint absolutely swept me up and I could not put it down until I finished it!
Amy has always felt the odd one out in her family, as (most notably) she HATES art and lacks the creative flair her sister and mother so value. She has different priorities and skills, but seems to have constantly waged a war within herself over whether to hide her true self from her family or try to prove herself to them. One night at an event she attends to appease her family, she happens to meet Carter- a famous artist- without knowing who he is. After multiple chance encounters with each other, Amy finds herself given the opportunity to develop tech for a local art gallery and enlists Carter's help to increase her knowledge and understanding of art for the project.
The main characters where nuanced and interesting, with quirks and their own journeys. I loved the way they interacted with each other and the sweet banter, the quiet support, the way their relationship was built. I was so excited to read this book, as I have always loved Kristi Ann Hunter's work, and this did not disappoint!! Highly recommend!

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Pixels and Paint is a contemporary novel written by Kristi Ann Hunter.

Summary: She hates art. He’s an artist. What could go wrong?

My Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book.

It has a unique storyline.

It has endearing characters, and a heartwarming message about learning to be your authentic self.

It was funny, and sweet, and romantic, and a wonderful read.

I don’t say it often, but this one is worth not only reading, but buying for your shelf.

It’s a new favorite for me, and I can’t wait to read the next one in the series!

I would like to thank Oholiab Creations for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my review. Thank you!

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This was a cute rom-com that had me laughing out loud in several places. I liked learning a little about the art world and enjoyed the shift in the main characters' views of themselves. This would definitely make me want to read the next book in the series!

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Carter's muse has been MIA for quite some time - but when he spots Emma at a gallery, looking lost and out of place, he's suddenly inspired in a way he never has been before. The problem is that, as he gets to know her, he finds that she's almost anti-art and yet is bidding for the contract to provide a visitor experience for an art museum he acts as advisor for. He wants to support her, but is horrified by her vision for the museum. Emma has always felt like she has to tailor the side of herself she shows to fit each person she meets, or they'll never accept her. And yet as she gets to know Carter, she finds herself showing him sides of her no one has ever seen before. But if she truly opens up to him, will he accept her, or reject her once and for all?

This might be my favourite romcom ever - perhaps partly because I 'bonded' with Emma over art right from the start! But there was far more to it than that, just as there is far more to the book than art. It's a deeply inspiring and heart-warming story, and had me rooting for the pair to get together from the start - but again, there's far more to it than that. Because Emma in particular has a very messy life to untangle, unavoidably for someone who's been wearing a mask all her life. And watching that happen, with and without Carter, was definitely inspiring. An amazing book that's worth reading and rereading, with characters I really cared for, some very moving conversations as well as some hilarious ones, and some truly delightful moments, culminating in a perfect ending. I can't say enough good about this book. Highly recommended, and I'm really hoping for more romcoms by the author - though she's set a very high bar for her first book in the genre!

Note that I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and this is my considered opinion of the book.

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A big thanks to the author, publisher and netgally for letting me read this advanced copy for an honest review.

I liked the characters, the storyline and the faith element. The addition of the grandparents was lovely also.

I did find it challenging to get started with the book until after chapter 10 when it moved faster and the story got going more.

Thanks again for letting me read this lovely romance. With my favourite element of faith incorporated.

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This is a modern day novel about two professionals who struggle to understand each other. One is a computer programmer, the other one an artist. The audience that will probably enjoy this the most are readers up until about 30. Besides it being a romance, it deals with finding your identity.

Initially, it is hard to get into the book. Emma, one of the main characters, is frustrating. It takes a long time for her to realize that how she is dealing with the world might not be the most constructive way. As the novel moves on, it gets more interesting and eventually becomes a good story, but you need to have some patience before you get there. Truth be told, in real life it would probably take longer for someone to change, but when reading fiction one would like to see this a little sooner. If targeted at a younger audience, some very good lessons can be learned from this very clean book.

Thank you NetGalley and Oholiab Creations for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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