Member Reviews

This book is a departure for the author, Kristi Ann Hunter, into contemporary inspirational fiction from her previously written regency era novels. I think it was a wonderful read with fabulous character development and dialogue. The first half of the book is slow moving but I enjoyed the progression of their relationship from professional interest to more romantic. I had difficulty relating to these two characters and their objections to each others view of art since I can appreciate both views. Although this novel focused on Carter and Emma, I was drawn to Jason and I hope he gets his own story.

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A completely satisfying rom-com from Kristi Ann Hunter. An automatic read author for me with her captivating historical novels, this foray into contemporary storytelling captures the true spectrum of her writing talents.

Emma is a quirky, can’t help but love her, mishmash of contradictions. She’s a brilliant computer programmer who just can’t see what all the fuss is regarding art. What could be seen as a difference in interests is actually a web of deceit since her family is immersed in the art world. Oh, and the super handsome guy she’s totally falling for is an artist.

Carter agrees to teach Emma how to appreciate art, or at least understand what all the fuss is all about. Along the way, they each get a glimpse into the other’s world and creative processes. I love the dialogues that come out of this discovery.

I want to tell you what I really loved about this story, but that will take away some of the experience as you read it. I will say, Carter knows how to see Emma and all of her many facets. He appreciates her. He has things to learn, but oh my, he’s quite the romantic.

The supporting characters….Amy, Jason, Trina, Frank, and Carter’s grandparents all bring the right perspectives and personalities to keep the story balanced. It’s funny, emotional, lighthearted, and still managed to squeeze some tears out me. The life lessons that encourage personal and relational growth were actually really powerful.

I absolutely recommend this fresh, contemporary, rom-com to those who enjoy funny, clean, romantic stories that pack an emotional punch and leave your heart satisfied.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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I have to confess I picked this one up solely because of the adorable cover! 🥰

Unfortunately the story fell a little flat for me. I struggled to relate with the characters & the writing style was hard for me to get into. It took me a while to root for Emma & Carter because I didn’t feel they had much chemistry. (I kinda was shipping Emma & her best friend Jason, who was my favourite! 🤭)

Around the halfway mark, things started getting better & I found myself enjoying Emma’s journey a bit more. (Though her family totally got on my nerves.) There were some cute & cringe moments… particularly a scene where the secondhand embarrassment is seriously so strong. 🙊

All in all, it was a cute read, but not quite my cup of tea. :)

*Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.

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I had a giant grin on my face 90% of this book…the other 10% was all the feels ever!
It’s so good!
As an artist, I can see how much research went into it and really appreciate that aspect!
Emma ugh I just love her! It’s so hard when you can’t be your true self in front of family and have to compartmentalize everything! Her journey was beautifully done.
Carter is fantastic! I adore him and how he isn’t perfect but has realistic blind spots and wanted to fix them.
The art aspect was a joy and actually had my fingers itching for my pencils.
The side characters were so well done I can’t wait for Amy’s story!
My only qualm was I wish it was longer, I would have loved to see Carter and Emma interact with her mother and honestly I kinda wanted Jason to meet Amy 🙈.
I definitely think this is a must read if you’re in the mood for a feel good sweet romance.

I acquired a copy of this book via net-galley, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Pixels and Paint by Kristi Ann Hunter
Release Date: July 4, 2023, by Oholiab Creations (IBPA)
Genre: Christian, Christian Fiction, Romance, Rom-Com, General Fiction (Adult)

I highly recommend this 5-star book to everyone who enjoys reading clean and fun Rom-Coms!

Everything needed for a captivating, engaging, and fabulously fun and satisfying novel is included in the pages of Pixels and Paint by Kristi Ann Hunter.

From all the characters to the storyline to all the details -- nothing was missing! The author artistically and technically generates a thoroughly enjoyable novel that invokes a myriad of emotions and thoughts ... while simultaneously impacting the reader! It is amazingly terrific!

Sometimes a book comes along that hits you right where you are! This book does this for me -- a masterpiece and a perfect compilation (See what I did there? iykyk).

I am so thankful that Kristi wrote this fun-filled, entertaining, and moving book! I will re-read Pixels and Paint many times and I will continually recommend it to everyone! I am so looking forward to the second book in this series! I hope it includes the gift of salvation for Emma’s twin sister, Amy!

I greatly appreciate the eArc of Pixels and Paint that I received from Oholiab Creations (IBPA) and Kristi Ann Hunter through NetGalley. I was not required to write a review or paid to do so. The words above are my honest review of this marvelous book!

#PixelsandPaint #NetGalley #OholiabCreations #Oholiab #IBPA #KristiAnnHunter

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Contemporary romcoms are not my favorite genre, but I've really enjoyed Hunter's historical romances in the past and definitely wanted to give this one a try. It did not disappoint! I feel like this was a very realistic relationship that progressed to romance. It wasn't instalove, enemies to more, or even friends to more; but two people meeting, feeling interest and attraction, and then seeing if more was right for them both by just spending more time together. I also enjoyed the two MC's perspectives about art and how they each had valid thoughts, but yet were different. I appreciated that they both were open and eager when trying to understand each other though too.
The ending did seem a little rushed and I wish we had more of a conclusion with Emma's family's thoughts and more of what happened after the presentation.
Overall, great transition from historical romance to contemporary romance and I'm excited to see what happens in the next book with Amy!

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A net galley arc in exchange for an honest review.
This book is about two different worlds colliding. We have Emma who is more into digital programming and software, and we have Carter the artist that’s trying to show her the true meaning and emotions behind art.
I totally relate to Emma because I don’t really know much about art to begin with.
Emma as a character is so awkward and quirky, and I just absolutely adore her.
I can’t help but say that it is super easy to fall in love with Carter and his determination to show her what’s beyond the appearance of art. He’s now definitely up there in being one of my favorite book boyfriend/boyfriends. He’s charming, and I can’t help but grin as I watch his friendship with Emma evolve. It’s a nice clean but really super cute romance.
If you’re into romantic comedies or just looking for a light but likable romance I totally recommend giving this a read.

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This was a sweet, unique romance book! I appreciated the unique characters, their backgrounds, perspectives, & life aspirations. Emma & Carter think they are polar opposites, but discover their compatibility & love is the sweetest thing.
Thank you for the arc.

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I requested an arc of this books since the MFC is a programmer. I like seeing books that promote women in STEM fields. Unfortunately, I didn’t connect with the characters or the story. I think there is an audience that will enjoy this book, but that audience isn’t me.

2 stars for me, but probably 4 for the right audience. Rounding to three stars.

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Oh my goodness, what a great book! I have loved Kristi Ann Hunter's regency era books for a long while now, but this was her first contemporary romance and did she ever deliver! This was a can't-put-it-down marathon read that kept me up way past my bedtime.

Emma is a chameleon who tries to please everyone. She's gotten so good at it that she can compartmentalize her life into very specific boxes--work, home life, family life--and those well-defined areas of her life shall never meet! Except that she can't quite keep her opinions against some unfortunate works of art out of her body language.

Carter is an artist who studies human body language and emotion for a living. He sees Emma's not-so-enthusiastic response to an art gallery showing and can't help to try to figure out this enigma. An eye-opening conversation leads to his further fascination with the mystery that is Emma Trinket.

I loved this story from beginning to end. The first-person narrative with dual POVs was wonderfully executed and let me fall in love with both characters. Carter is so incredibly kind and encouraging, though he isn't perfect by any means. His views about art are well-thought-out and engaging. I loved the way he supported Emma (especially that one dinner scene about halfway through the book!)

Emma is so likeable. She actually reminds me of someone I know in real life, and her frustrated responses to the way people view her programming job is word-for-word what my friend has said to me many times (especially when I once referred to her as IT! lol!). But her heartache is also very relatable and makes you want to wrap her up in a hug.

There are so many wonderful elements to this story and I can't wait for it to come out on paperback copy because I fully intend to gift this to friends!

Rated G
--little to no violence
--no language
--clean romance without on-page spice (just plenty of sweet and swoony scenes!)
--no torture

I received this ebook free from NetGalley. My opinions are my own and voluntarily given.

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This just may have been my most anticipated book of 2023. I have read all of Kristi Ann Hunter's historical romances. When I heard she was writing a contemporary rom-com, I think I literally squealed!

I was able to receive an advanced copy from the author through Netgalley and read it in one day! That is a big deal for this mostly audiobook consumer! I even stopped reading/listening to 2 other books I had begun and stayed up way past my bedtime to finish!

The world Ms. Hunter paints in this book is full of her signature humor and heart. I had certain expectations of what the story would be. But I was wrong. And I am so glad I was. I hate any type of spoiler before reading a book, so I won't elaborate beyond that.

I am personally not an artistic type of person and related to Emma very easily. I also appreciated the pop cultural references throughout the story. I laughed out loud several times. I also felt the feelings of frustration and sadness and hope and despair.

While I loved what I got from the book, I would not have been upset with a little more. Seeing Carter interact with Emma's family or more wouldn't have been unwelcome. Perhaps we will get to see some of that in the next book in the series. I definitely need more Emma and Carter in that one!

Thank you to Kristi Ann Hunter and Netgalley for the complimentary copy. I'm happy to leave my honest review and will be purchasing my own copy once publication day arrives!

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