Cover Image: The Cutting Edge

The Cutting Edge

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was not a fan of this novel the cover is cute though. thanks netgalley and lisa daily for the e arc :))))

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I wanted to like this book but it was super difficult to get into. Putting aside the multiple grammatical and continuity errors in my copy, it was a book that was rather short yet felt long.

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This one is a story most of us know about Cutting Edge, the figure skater who teams up with a hockey player to try to win gold. Well this one has a great twist that includes more about love and life and health.

Logan is a hockey player for the local NHL team who is in a slump when his daughters figure skating teacher comes to drop off of his daughter when BOOP a puck hits her.

I really enjoyed this one. It was cute, not too smutty, great characters, mini twists and turns and the perfect length. The only thing I didn’t love was that the ending felt rushed after falling in love with Poppy and Logan. I liked how it ended but you’ll like 1-2 more chapters!

I do give this one 3/5 stars.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

Logan and Coco meet when one of Coco's skating student, Poppy. is late being picked up. She says her dad works at the rink so Coco and Poppy go to find him. Poppy points at the rink when she spots her dad then everything goes black for Coco. She wakes up in the hospital finding out that she was hit in the head by a slap shot hit by Logan. Their relationship builds as Logan continues to visit Coco in the hospital. At first the visits were out of guilt but he finds he can't get Coco out of his head. He has to be near her and when he can't be he sends gifts throughout the day.

This was a cute, low steam romance. Perfect for Hallmark fans. For me, Logan was a little too perfect considering it's mid-season for the NHL yet he's so caring and always there for Coco.

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I really enjoyed the first half, it was really cute and loved the building of relationship between the two MCs.

The second half felt a bit rushed and the gifts were a lot. I feel I would have enjoyed it a bit more if the plot was brought forward earlier in the book (the 'job' she took).

The last few chapters I wasn't sure what the time delay was (weeks, months years?) So would have liked to see it displayed at the top of the chapter heading as well.

Overall I thought the two characters were cute and the ending was all happy so was a fun and quick read.

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3.5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️✨

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and Lisa Daily for providing me with an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed the beginning of the book however, as time went on, it felt a bit too dragged out.
It was also hard to believe that Coco got so upset about being “deceived” when she was hired as the teams lucky charm when she too deceived Logan by accepting the position in the first place and not telling him.

Overall, it was still an okay book but it didn’t have anything that wowed me.

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Sent to the hospital for getting hit by slapshot from one of hockey's best players is never a great start to a relationship, but in The Cutting Edge it works. Coco is a figure skating champion with dreams of the Olympics. Logan is a single father who injures his daughter’s coach with a hockey puck to the head. Sparks begin to ignite when Logan spends a lot of his free time at the hospital with Coco after the accident.

Cute and fun, this sports romance is fitting for someone needing a cozy romance. The characters were a delight and easy to like. I especially enjoyed the light heartedness of the story as so many these days are very heavy or dark. This is the perfect book to curl up with on a snowy winter day.

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I’m big on hockey romances right now so I thought why not give this one a try. It was cute. It had its moments. The few things I did like was how Logan and Bella met, I enjoyed how Bella was with Logan’s daughter and I enjoyed the support from Bella’s best friend. I always enjoy really great supporting characters. The concept of Bella being “good luck” was also really enjoyable. I found myself hating the little bits of secrets that occurred but overall I found this to be a great read. It had room for improvements, I found myself just needing more from the story. I’d definitely recommend though to sports romance readers.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a copy.

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JUST WHAT I NEEDED. This was so cute and funny. It’s a mixture of the ULTIMATE sports romance and it made me giddy and giggly. I loved Logan and coco so much, and felt so sorry for coco getting caught up in the pressures from Logan’s work life.

The miscommunication trope is usually my least favourite but it was immaculately executed in this!!

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I came in expecting a sports romance and it was more like a hospital romance, some characters felt like they were only there to base plot points on rather than rounding out the characters

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I'm sorry but the MC name ruined the entire book for me. I didn;t want to continue reading after that. I found that their banter was lacking and I didn't realise this was a single dad romance yet the child dissappeared for 90% of the book and had barely any interactions with the MC.

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This book definitely was an insta move which I’m not a fan of. This book definitely needed to be fleshed out more because some of the content actually felt quite random. It’s not a lost cause type of book but it definitely could be better.

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this was a very fast paced, insta-love romance book.

I'm not a fan of insta love. there i said it. it isn't my cup of tea. that being said, i didn't totally hate this book and here's why.

i loved the meet cute. getting whacked in the head with a flying puck and then getting doted on by said puck wielding hockey player, immediately yes.

Logan was romantic, attentive and a an amazing dad. he gave off teddy b ear vibes which when it comes to hockey romances, is a fantastic thing. Bella was a great FMC too, her ambition and passion for her sport was beautiful to read and i love how she was determined to make it on her and her personality was just lovely, both her and Logan really complimented each other beautifully.

now onto my issues:
most of the first half - and even going into the second- was spent in the hospital which got a tad tedious. It was especially gear grinding when the insta-love hit because they really hadn't spent much time together other than at the hospital.

now i knocked off a star because i really didn't like the conflict in this one. it felt really flimsy. she is employed by the team to continue her interactions with Logan but then is pissed because Logan was actually the one to set it up? girl what are you on about? how can you be angry at that? how are you standing on that leg? it just didn't make sense to me ?

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I thought the premise of the book was super cute and different. Man injures woman and feels really bad about it. Tries to make it up to her and falls in love. I thought the whole good luck charm perspective was also well done. I could see where both people were coming from and found it to be interesting and different. It seemed off to me how quickly he fell for her, to a point where it felt out there or inauthentic. I also felt like a good chunk of the ending was almost too wrapped up. The reader doesn't get an opportunity to envision the HEA in their own way. And you can already see the entire plot for the next in the series on top of it.

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Hilarious. Instead of being hit by Cupid's arrow, Olympic figure skater, Coco Charmaine, is conked in the head by a snapshot hockey puck at the hands of NFL star, single dad, team captain, Logan Rivers. Training for the Olympics is very expensive, so Coco teaches figure skating classes and one of her students is Logan's little daughter, Poppy. When Logan is late to pick her up, Coco brings her to him and ends up in the hospital. Logan feels guilt, but is also fascinated by Coco. She is worried about now being able to qualify for. Nationals. He has been in a slump, but spending time with her brings him out of the slump and she becomes his lucky charm. He tries to help her out financially, which causes a few misunderstandings, but it is clear to all that they are meant for each other. I didn't understand why she thought he betrayed her, by helping her. I really enjoyed the book and look forward to the next one.

I read an ARC from the publisher via This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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unfortunately this book wasn’t for me. it felt very long in places then too fast in others. it had potential to be great but it fell flat.

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He hasn’t scored in 3 games and it’s starting to freak him out. Enter Bella, who strikes a deal with an assistant coach to pretend to be a curse-breaker to pay off her training expenses from her days as a competitive figure skater. Everything is looking up for both of them.

This is probably a personal problem but I can't separate any character named Bella from Twilight. Aside from that. I found the overall story very cute and I found myself smiling a lot throughout the book. I wish she was on the ice more as it would have given more depth to her character.

I always love a man written by a woman - but sometimes it came off as too obvious. (too unattainable - because men are NOT written by women in real life, unfortunately lol).

All in all, it was cute, spicy and an enjoyable read.

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This has been sitting on my TBR pile for a while, so I thought I’d give it a shot (insert hockey pun). It’s really cute, with very likable characters, and a well-rounded supporting cast. There’s a very unnecessary 11th hour breakup that took me out of the story flow for a bit, but the book was wrapped up satisfactorily. I’ll probably read the next in the series when it releases.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Ever get pucked in the face by a cute hockey player? A wayward slapshot will do that to you.

With quick-witted dialogue and fun characters, author Daily brings us single professional hockey dad Logan and single figure skater, Coco.

Unlike the 1992 hockey/figure skater movie of the same name, these two find common ground pretty quickly, despite his puck putting her in the ER. Their relationship is fun to watch develop and their chemistry is undeniable. Get your coffee ready because you'll. have a book hangover after this one.

This sexy sports romance is the first of the St. Pete Slashers series.

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Honestly, I DNF this book. It started in a really nice way, the plot was nice and got me all excited, but things started to go the wrong way: it's stuck in one place, and as far as I read, they did not leave the hospital. The whole book seemed to be happening at that place, and it got pretty boring, the story, overall.
The writing, well, it had a lot of spelling errors, repeated words and sentences. To be honest, I tried to enjoy it, but it felt impossible to do so.

Thank you, NetGalley for the Arc.

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