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Ever woken up with the hangover from hell? Well, Molly Monroe (not Munro) has. With her life beginning to spiral, Molly puts her journalistic skills to the test to uncover the truth...

Coming in 2024, The Murder After The Night Before tells the story of possibly the worst hangover of all time. After Molly Monroe goes through some traumatic experiences, she has to pick herself up in order to untangle a web of lies.

After reading Katy Brent's debut novel How To Kill Men And Get Away With It and now this one, it's clear to see Brent's writing style. Her witty approach to darker themes make the books so fun to read, almost like the character is your friend. I found that the book differed to any other detective-style novel as the protagonist was an everyday woman trying to muddle her way through a bit of a mess.

"I have a narrator now? How very Gossip Girl of me."

The Gen Z references to TikTok, an off-handed remark about a 16 year old account not wanting a Facebook account and a quick nod to the TV show 'Gossip Girl' appeal to a younger audience. However, Molly is 32, working a job she doesn't hate but also doesn't love, having wild drunken nights out and who isn't able to relate to at least one of those things?

"I can't believe you've known me less than twenty-four hours and you've already seen me vomit, ugly cry and fellate a stranger on the internet."

Although the main character, Molly, ends up discovering the truth about a lot of different crimes, the book has a really coherent flow and it doesn't feel like she's jumping from one thing to the next as it does so often when authors try to over complicate a murder mystery. This felt like everything was leading to something else and at the end everything gets wrapped up nicely at the end (I'm someone who hates open endings).

This book also does a social justice by perfectly summarising what shaming and misogyny on social media looks like as well as commenting on ambiguity surrounding sexual assault. Even in the way some of the male characters speak to Molly, exerts a sense of dominance over her which is really interesting to read.

"Grief isn't a thing. It's a nothing. It's a universe before creation."

I love moments like this in books, especially in this one. The way that Molly describes herself is quite negative as we all do to ourselves from time to time (some more frequently than others) and it often feels like Molly is naive and actually a bit thick. So when wise sentiments like this are expressed throughout, it provides more depth to Molly so it's like we, the reader, can see beneath all her self-pity but Molly is almost blind-sighted by it.

If you love murder mystery's or detective novels or just witty stories, then this book is a great read for you.

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Molly Monroe wakes up the morning after her work Christmas party with the hangover to end all hangovers. Her head is pounding, her memory is a blank, and there is a strange man in her bed. And unfortunately, that's just the beginning. Because whatever happened the night before, Molly is now trending on social media and her best friend is dead.

The Murder After the Night Before, as you would expect from that title, had me laughing out loud from the first page. The writing is smart and funny, with a larger-than-life main character, a bang-up-to-date setting, and plenty of black humour. I loved how real the characters and settings felt, as Katy Brent shows an attention to detail that I also loved in her debut, How to Kill Men and Get Away with It. This eye for detail is put to good use in The Murder After the Night Before, as Brent keeps the reader on their toes trying to piece together Molly's missing memories. I loved the way that I never quite knew who I could trust, as Molly's investigation into the night before reveals more questions than answers.

This book is much more than its premise suggests, dealing with some incredibly heavy themes, including sexual assault, suicide, alcohol abuse, social media threats, and the loss of a loved one. Brent writes thoughtfully, offering fresh perspectives on the issues that become relevant to the story, and never invoking dark themes gratuitously. I liked that this entertaining read also has some emotional heft, and I think exploring these issues feels appropriate for the book's contemporary setting. The Murder After the Night Before was very nearly a five-star read for me, but I felt like the amount of ground the book tries to cover makes it a little messy and perhaps a little unresolved. But this is a book that I couldn't put down, and can't stop thinking about. Katy Brent is definitely a new favourite author.

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This is a good book- it is well written and it deals with a lot of current issues. I didn’t really find the “mystery” too mysterious- it was predictable and I felt like it was aimed more at young adults. An entertaining read overall though.

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Murder After the Night Before is a compelling,contemporary and most importantly entertaining book by Katy Brent.

Molly Monroe wakes up with the hangover from Hell and little memory of the night before after her works party and incorrectly thinks she couldn't feel any worse. Discovering a strange man laying next to her and then discovering that she's gone viral on social media with a video of her performing a sex act THEN finding her best friend Posey dead proves her wrong.

With the Police refusing to take her seriously when she's sure Posey has been murdered Molly investigates herself as views of the infamous video bring her national notoriety.

This is a laugh out loud book that also makes some very valid points on the power of the internet to demonise and scapegoat as the mob has its say on content that should never have appeared online. Molly's dealings with many of the male characters also show that despite our supposedly equal society women are still patronised and subject to casual sexism.

A fast moving story that will make you think and keep the shocks coming until the very end.

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I said earlier this year when I listened to ‘How to Kill Men and Get Away With It’ by Katy Brent, that I just knew she would be one of my new favourite authors. I received an ARC of her new book after requesting it on NetGalley, and after inhaling the whole thing in one sitting, I just knew my earlier statement was completely correct. Her debut book was one of my favourite reads so far this year, and this one may or may not have topped it. Once I saw that I had a chance to read this book early I just had to have it, but now I’m gutted that I’ve already finished it and have nothing else to read from this author :(

This book was SO GOOD. The story was gripping, dark and hilarious and I was totally here for it. It’s not often that I find an author with a similar sense of humour to me, but Brent has hit the nail on the head with laugh-out-loud moments and hilarious lines spread out perfectly between the dark and ominous. Whilst there were many sensitive topics brought up, and moments that left me on the edge of my seat, the sprinkling of humour really tied this book together and made it the perfect one-sitting-read.

The main character, Molly, wakes up with a wicked hangover, a man in her bed and no recollection of the night before. Checking her phone to see that she has gone viral for one of the worst reasons, the only person she wants to speak to and seek comfort from, is her best friend, Posey. However, unfortunately for Molly, she finds out the next day that her best friend is dead. Whilst the police decide that it was a tragic accident, Molly is positive that she was murdered, and now she has a killer to find.

This story unfolded rapidly, a fast-paced murder mystery that you simply cannot put down. The balance between the humour, emotion and mystery is absolutely perfect. And that ending? My jaw literally dropped, the twist was absolutely insane and I will not forget this book in a long time.

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Katy Brent is a superstar! I love her writing and this book is simply fabulous! The Murder After the Night Before is clever, dark, funny, gripping and delightful! Keep writing, Katy, because your stories are so refreshing and unique! 5 stars!!!

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4.5 for me! Oh my god so so so good. Thank you NetGalley and Katy Brent for letting me read this book. It was absolutely incredible. My heart ached for Molly so much. I can’t wait for publication day to get me own physical copy to read it alllll over again

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Having read this author's previous novel and loved it i had a feeling this would be good and i wasn't disappointed Well written characters and a story full of exactly what a murder/thriller should be with some funny content thrown in. I really found myself unable to put this down as it truly was edge of your seat stuff. The ending was a real shocker!

Keep them coming please Katy Brent we need more author's like you.

My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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This book is a captivating journey through the depths of imagination. Its rich storytelling and well-developed characters kept me engaged from start to finish. With its thought-provoking themes, it transcends genres and offers something for every reader. A must-read for anyone seeking a literary adventure.

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I really loved Katy Brent's first book, which I still think is the best in the recently mushrooming "female vigilante story with humour" genre, so I was excited to have the opportunity to read her latest book. And I have to say Brent has followed up an excellent debut novel with an equally good follow up in this, her second book.

Her trademark darkness and sarcastic humour are both displayed to great advantage in the story of Molly, who finds herself - in the ugliest way possible - a viral phenomenon, to her utter, undiluted horror.

The same day, she finds her best friend Posey, a talented journalist, dead in the bath. And Molly is the only one who believes that Posey did not die accidentally that her death is somehow linked to the investigation of a teenager's disappearance that Posey had been investigating.

Determined to find out what happened, Molly begins to explore the same reach that Posey had been following. And eventually, she finds out just how Posey ended up as she did...

This is a brilliant, funny, heartbreaking story about friendship, grief, lies, and what women face as they navigate an enduringly misogynistic world. Molly is a likeable MC and you do feel for her, especially wrt her feelings over losing her mother early, and her best friend under these circumstances. This book is an easy read dealing with some difficult issues.

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I am a massive How To Kill Men And Get Away With It fangirl - so I was mega excited to get my hands on this one.

I’ll start by saying, this one is nothing like her debut - but it was brilliant nonetheless. I think the difference in books, if anything else, just shows what a skilled storyteller Katy Brent is.

This was another dark and gripping read, that had me hooked from the get go. Brent’s signature wit and humour coming through the whole time, making it comedic in the midst of the darker undertones.

I really liked Molly as a character, she was really well written and felt very real. She was ballsy, at times reckless, but you just rooted for her the whole time.

Fast paced throughout, with a very relevant feel to it. The plot showing the impacts and dangers of social media, in the age where going viral can had some serious consequences.

The ending - knock me down with a feather. She smashed it and in the process, blew my tiny little mind.

Another incredible read from Katy Brent, who will forever be an autobuy author for me!

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I really enjoyed Katy Brent’s debut novel so I was really excited to get stuck into this new book and it did not disappoint.
This is a really fun and entertaining read whilst also raising some particularly heavy themes and conversations. It’s very cleverly written and has a gripping story line which keeps the reader engaged and reading quickly on.
If you’re a fan of dark humour and a satirical feel to book then this is one for you!

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Brent’s debut, How To Kill Men and Get Away With It, was one of my favourite reads last year with its dark humour and witty writing style so I was excited to see what her second book was like.

With The Murder after the Night Before, Brent has done it again, producing another gripping, dark and engaging story. Brent set the standard high with her debut and she hit the ground running with her second novel.

I love Brent’s sense of humour and there are so many laugh out loud moments delivered with a punch throughout this dark and at times, disturbing read. The main character, Molly, is put in a very compromising position (no spoilers!) but her sarcasm and sense of humour really helps to lighten what is a dark topic.

Fast-paced with the story unfolding at lightning speed, Molly’s world is completely thrown upside down after she discovers her friend’s body. This book is a story about manipulation, the influence of the wealthy, the power of social media and how in the case of Molly, a ten second video going viral has devastating consequences for those involved.

Brent masterfully balances humour with the emotional aspects of the story leaving the reader gripped to the story and desperate to find out what happens. Her writing is so relatable and the discussion of the power of social media in today’s world to determine a person’s character will hit home for a lot of readers.

That twist at the end- talk about throwing in a grenade!! Brent knows how to leave her readers reeling in style!

Thanks to NetGalley and HQ for the arc. The Murder After The Night Before is out in February 2024 so go preorder it today! 4⭐️

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I LOVED Katy Brent's debut 'How to Kill Men and Get Away With It' and was thrilled to see that she had another book out! My first thoughts were that it couldn’t possibly be as good as her first… I have to say that I think it’s perhaps even better.
Molly has woken up in bed with a stranger with no memory of the events surrounding the staff Christmas the night before. Her best friend is found dead and although Molly is mortified and humiliated she knows Posey was murdered and she needs to pull up her big girl knickers and figure out who the killer is.
A great second novel and an easy 5⭐️ recommendation.

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Imagine the worst hangover you've ever had. Now multiply it by ten.
That's the situation that confronts Molly at the start of Katy Brent's winning new comedy thriller. Not only is Molly suffering from the usual consequences which typically follow a night of alcoholic excess, but she soon discovers her apparent involvement in a very public sex act has left her plastered all over the harsh and unforgiving world of social media. Bad as this is, worse is to come: Mily's flatmate is dead. What happened to her? Why aren't the.police more interested in uncovering.the truth? Who is ultimately responsible for her death?
Katy Brent's new novel is every bit as funny, clever and spellbinding as her first book, the brilliant How To Kill Men and Get Away With It.

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When Molly wakes up after another 'work do' to find herself in bed with strange man her whole world is turned upside down. To her horror she later finds a very compromising video leaked on social media that is trending......
This is a fabulously addictive read about murder, loss, deceit and the still misogynistic treatment of women. But along with the serious content is humour and a few very interesting twists. I would highly recommend this book.

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After reading how to kill men and get away with it I was thrilled to get the chance to read this and it did not disappoint! What a little gem of a book. I absolutely loved it! Another smash hit

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This book was so good! I thought it was a comedy at first but soon discovered a very dark side to the story. I loved all of the characters and as far fetched as the tale may have been, it's certainly very entertaining.

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Molly has woken with the mother of all hangovers, a dead best friend and no memory to rely on to solve the murder… I’m already a Katy Brent fan as I loved How to Kill Men and Get Away with it, so I went into this thriller with really high expectations. What I enjoyed most about The Murder After the Night Before was Molly’s predicament. From the online situation (I won’t say more on this to avoid spoiling it) to becoming a reluctant PI solving her best friend’s murder (and unearthing even more scandal in the process) it’s a read that keeps you intrigued and I do really enjoy Katy’s writing style. What was missing for me was a bit more pace at times and I did see quite a few of the plot twists coming. Molly’s character was interesting to follow and I did root for her through much of the story, though she could sometimes be a bit frustrating, perhaps a bit naive, and slow to move the case along, which possibly contributed to the read feeling less pacy than I’d hoped. I wasn’t wholly convinced by the Jack character in the story either, but the premise and final reveal of the murderer felt satisfying enough and I’d happily read another Katy Brent book. She’s fast becoming a staple author for me! It’s easy to recommend her books to lovers of dark, comedic crime fiction and anyone heading to the beach who wants a fun thriller to read. Huge thanks to the author, Katy Brent, and publisher, HarperCollins, for this advance review copy. Views my own. 4*

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After how much I loved How to Kill Men and Get Away With It, I was super excited to see how a second book from Katy Brent fared in comparison. Whilst I do prefer the former, this is so much fun. Despite being a murder mystery-esque book, fun is definitely the word I'd use for it. Katy's writing is so easy to get into and I definitely found myself saying "one more chapter!". Great pacing, laugh out loud moments, Molly is amazing, and I didn't see the ending coming at all. Loved it

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