Member Reviews

It’s been a week and I’m still thinking about the ending of The President’s Lawyer. A former lawyer—and the former president’s mistress—is found dead in Rock Creek Park. The former president is arrested for her murder and asks his best friend—lawyer Rob Jacobson—to represent him. What ensues is a high-stakes trial heavy on kink, twists, and depravity.

The President’s Lawyer—by Lawrence Robbins—is written by a man who knows his way around a courtroom. The first half introduces the characters and their backstory. While interesting, they aren’t the best humanity has to offer. Once in the courtroom, I couldn’t put it down despite the uncomfortable subject matter.

Narrated mostly by Jacobson, interspersed with chapters where the narrator is unknown. It’s a clever move that makes you second-guess your assumptions. And that ending…lord.

Thank you Atria Books for gifting me an advanced copy of The President’s Lawyer via NetGalley.

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A word to those easily offended, you should know that affairs and some kinky sex are portrayed in this book.

Former president, John Sherman Cutler (Jack to his friends), is charged with the murder of Amanda Harper, a junior lawyer in the White House counsel’s office. The ex-president wants his old friend Rob (Robbie) Jacobson to defend him. Robbie is hesitant noting that he and Amanda were “close” once upon a time and that could cause problems down the road should the prosecutor and/or the judge find out about it.

The former president refuses to take no for an answer and states that “no one can dismantle a witness like you.” He agrees it is a “big ask…but I’m in trouble here.”

Robbie has been in a narcissist relationship with Jack for decades and he craves Jack’s “neediness.” He can’t say no, so he reluctantly agrees to take the ex-president’s case saying that he lusts after the limelight and that “here’s the nasty little truth. I wanted the case more than I wanted time with my son”.

A lot of background between the characters is laid in the first half of the book. You may find yourself skimming through some of this, like I did, to get to the real meat of the story which doesn’t begin until about half-way into the book. Once the trial gets underway, the novel finally takes flight and we are immersed in the process of jury selection, questioning and cross-examinations of police, and appearances by expert witnesses on behalf of both the prosecution and the defense.

As the trial progresses, you begin to wonder who is really guilty of the murder of Ms. Harper. Over time, testimonies begin to change leading to unexpected twists and turns. I thought I had the murder figured out only to be completely surprised at the end and I think most readers will be as well.

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced reader copy for review.

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The President's Lawyer is a debut novel that follows lawyer Rob Jacobson as he defends his childhood best friend -- the former US president -- against a murder charge. This novel had me hooked from the first pages. I did not like a single character in this book, but that didn't make this any less bingeworthy. I had to know if the president was actually guilty, or if he had been set up. And let me tell you, the twist at the end was not at all what I was expecting! The author did a great job developing the characters, their backstories, and their motivations. You can also tell that he knows a lot about law, as his courtroom scenes had quite the air of authenticity.

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I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

A must read for fans of legal dramas and psychological thriller. Rob, a formidable litigator is thrust into case of the century and also his career defending one of his bestfriend, the fromer president of United States who was accused of killing his mistress.

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Thank you, Atria Books, for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I just finished The President’s Lawyer: A Novel, by Lawrence Robbins.

I don’t normally read fiction. Almost every book I read, as well as all of the reviews I’ve already posted, are nonfiction. But I do make an exception for John Grisham and occasionally other legal fiction books. This was one of those exceptions.

This book is about the former President of the United States being charged with the murder of a woman he was having an affair with. The President’s lawyer was his long-time friend, who had also had an affair with the same woman.

This was a definite fast paced page turner and I am glad I took a chance on reading it. I give this book an A. Goodreads and NetGalley require grades on a 1-5 star system. In my personal conversion system, an A equates to 5 stars. (A or A+: 5 stars, B+: 4 stars, B: 3 stars, C: 2 stars, D or F: 1 star).

This review has been posted at NetGalley, Goodreads and my blog, Mr. Book’s Book Reviews

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I recently "The President's Lawyer." The story revolves around a former US president who is charged with the murder of a young woman with whom he was having an affair. The protagonist and narrator is the president's best friend and lawyer, Will, who had an affair with the victim before the president and also harbored romantic feelings for the president's wife.

While the premise of the book is intriguing, I found the extensive backstories of the characters to be tedious and drawn out. The focus on "He was cool and I wasn't" and "childhood trauma" scenes made it difficult for me to remain engaged. I was eager for the plot to delve into the murder mystery, which was the aspect that initially piqued my interest in the book.

Overall, while the book had an interesting premise, I found the execution to be clichéd and the pacing to be slow. The focus on the protagonist's past, including his relationships and childhood trauma, made it challenging for me to get into the main plot. I was hoping for more emphasis on the murder mystery aspect of the story.

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Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for an e-ARC of The President’s Lawyer, a tense, engrossing legal drama available everywhere this October.

Close friends since their high school days, it was only natural that Jack and Robbie would go onto share similar interests, pursue similar careers, and romance the same women. For forty years, they harbored each other’s darkest secrets. When Jack, the former President of the United States, is accused of murdering his mistress, who better to defend him than the person who allegedly knows him best? As the high-profile case unfolds and their skeletons come to light, Robbie begins to question whether they knew each other at all. Is he representing a guilty man?

Written by a real-life litigator, the courtroom scenes really shine. For most of the novel, Robbie carries himself as the smartest guy in the room so when he was taken down a peg or two during the action in and following the courtroom, it was great. I was caught off-guard by the ending; I wish we spent more time with the twist. It felt like we were given a brief paragraph about the truth and then moved on. Overall, though, I really enjoyed this novel.

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New to me author. A tale we've heard before, famous person (in this case POTUS), accused of murdering his affair. Long term lawyer friend called in to defend him (who also slept with the woman). Court room drama keeps you hooked and lots of twisties.

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A former US. President is charged with murder in The President’s Lawyer. The aforementioned lawyer is Rob Jacobson, a childhood best friend and close confidant of the president, who’s accused of killing his mistress. The first part of the book is challenging to read, with bland, boilerplate dialogue and lots of tedious flashbacks that set up the rest of the story. Where the book shines, however, are the courtroom scenes, and the author’s bona fides as a prominent attorney are obvious, with compelling and realistic scenes that are totally engrossing. Although the overall plot is a bit implausible, the strength of the courtroom dramatics and a great ending are worth the wait and earned an extra star in the rating. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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One of the best legal thrillers I have read in a long time. It was a fairly quick read with plenty of twists and turns, and the ending was mind-blowing.
This will hold your interest from beginning to end as you become engrossed in its interesting, complex courtroom scenes and with the particularly well-developed yet flawed characters that Lawrence Robbins has developed. The ending of The President’s Lawyer, is one you’ll unlikely anticipate.

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The President’s Lawyer is compelling and suspenseful. This book really came alive during the courtroom scenes. Coincidentally, I read this book during Trump’s trial and it gave me some insight into trial law and lawyer shenanigans.

When Jack Cutler, the former President of the United States, is accused of killing his mistress, his best friend, Rob Jacobson, steps in to defend him. But with all of Jack’s infidelities and untruthfulness with authorities, the task is bigger than Rob anticipated.

I’m a sucker for courtroom dramas, so this book really intrigued me. As the trial continued, it was like watching the sun come up, little by little things became clear. I highly recommend this book if you enjoy legal dramas or political mysteries. Thank you, NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC.

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The President's Lawyer by Lawrence Robbins is a gripping legal thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The story follows Rob Jacobson, a top litigator in DC, who must defend his childhood friend and former President against a murder charge.

Rob faces the daunting task of proving his friend's innocence while navigating a web of past secrets and current scandals. The courtroom drama is intense, and Robbins masterfully weaves in twists that keep you guessing until the very end.

Fans of John Grisham and Scott Turow will find this book impossible to put down. It's a smart, fast-paced read with well-developed characters and a plot that delivers surprise after surprise. Highly recommended!

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Decent read...full of courtroom drama--though not overly twist--it will still keep the reader engrossed and guessing as to the guilt or innocence of the accused, who also happens to be the former president. Rob Jacobson is asked to defend his childhood best friend—and former President of the United States. Rob knows he’s the only one who can prove his friend’s innocence, but he is soon overwhelmed as he attempts to devise a strategy to defend an authoritative man with a taste for infidelity, serious anger issues, and unconventional sexual appetites. He has been accused of murdering his mistress, Amanda, who strangely Rob also had a triste with. Certainly, the friends have some unresolved, unspoken issues. As the story unfolds, the curious friendship between the two is revealed as well as some of Rob's personal issues. The courtroom drama is well written and informative. Intertwined with the present litigation unfolding, there is back stories and "therapist" chapters that leave the reader guessing and anticipating how it will play into the drama.
Overall, a enjoyable read for fans of the legal thrillers

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Legal presidential thriller? Sign me up! It had everything I wanted in a book! Fast paced and easy to read. Loved this one so much! Will be checking out more from this author. Thank you Netgalley, Lawrence Robbin’s, and Atria books for my eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Great read. Different approach to a story that has been told. I really enjoyed it and would read more from this author for sure!

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It’s been a long time since I’ve read a procedural legal novel that has had me totally riveted from the opening pages. While some of this rain is a little close to what’s going on in current events, it is a fascinating story that moves at a rapid pace. Of course, there’s the sharp intake of breath realization moment that makes it all worthwhile. I couldn’t put it down!

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In the words of the Good Place “Holy Forking Shirtballs”

I need someone who wants to talk spoilers because my head is still spinning around the room and hasn’t connected back to my body yet.

In the genre of legal thrillers. This should be the bar to live up to. Robbin’s knocked it out of the park.

When accused of murder, Rob Jacobson is the only person Jack Cutler wants and trusts to be by his side to defend him. Robbie is the best litigator, Jack’s closest and oldest friend and Jack is … well Jack is a sneaky brownnoser with a hidden agenda. Iykyk. Jack has been known to keep a number of different women on the side outside of his marriage, and a less than publicly appropriate hobby after hours. Well maybe during hours too. Doesn’t seem Jack had many boundaries. When Jack’s most recent mistress ends up murdered, he is placed at the scene of the crime.

This one is messy. Part flashbacks and multiple POV, part trial scripting. This one grips you on the first page. I couldn’t put it down. And honestly the ending blew me away so much I have to go back and read the last few chapters again.

Don’t miss out on this.

5 ⭐️

Thanks to NetGalley for the eARC can’t wait to put it on my shelf

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Meet Rob Jacobson, one of DC’s most powerful litigators, who is is asked by his lifelong best friend, the former President of the U.S., to defend him when he accused of murdering his is mistress. Can his oldest friend truly be capable of murder??

The author is an experienced attorney and the legal strategies and courtroom parts of The President's Lawyer felt mostly authentic. The pace was nice and I very much liked some of the characters. Talk about a surprising twist. I did NOT see that coming!!

Like the author's son, Noah Robbins says, "If you’re looking for a high-octane legal thriller page-turner with suspense, twists, and courtroom intrigue, The President's Lawyer is for you!"

It may have been a little too different and less realistic from the books I normally read. I liked it but I didn't love it.

Many thanks to both #AtriaBooks and #NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of #ThePresidentsLawyer. The expected publication date is October 8, 2024.

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I teceived an invitation to review this book and was so glad to have accepted! What a ride! “The President’s Lawyer” is a must-read for anyone looking for a smart thriller. Hired to defend his old friend, the President of the United States, from a murder charge, Rob Jacobson is a lawyer you won’t forget. The twists and turns and the dialogue in this well-written book made for a very enjoyable read. I plan to read more by this author!

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This was a good legal thriller. Rob is a friend of a former President and is drawn into defending him in a murder trial. This is full of twists and turns, but was kind of hard to follow at times. And the ending! I am still not 100% sure that I have it figured out. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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