Member Reviews

So many stories have been written about New York City that one would think nothing new could/should be done. Then along come an excellent writer who give us a new perspective, intriguing us to so many unique and interesting characters as well as their stories.

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Chicky Diaz is the doorman. He knows the residents of the exclusive New York Bohemia apartments, Whit and Emily Longworth, Julian and Jen Sonnenberg, Mrs. Frumm and more. He knows their children, their crowded schedules, their visitors, their drivers and their secrets. And now, after two racially based shootings, he will protect their safety. On one dangerous night, protests of Whit Longworth’s company meet protestors of police violence and both are attacked by a pro-right group hoping to restore order in their own way. Both the Bohemia and its residents are threatened, secrets are revealed and Chicky tries to save their lives as well as his own.

The Doorman is a modern day Bonfire of the Vanities and not much has changed since Tom Wolfe skewered New York society forty years ago. Racial tensions simmer close to the surface, the one percenters are isolated from the real New York, crime is rampant and ethnicities rule the working class. Chicky, Olek, Julian, Ellington, Emily and Whit are vivid characters and the plot blends their stories into the larger rhythm of the city. The Doorman reflects life in New York and its complicated politics. Chris Pavone describes a political divide loosely based on wealth and race which may be offensive to some readers. I hope not because The Doorman is a compelling read. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Farrar, Straus and Giroux and Chris Pavone for this ARC.

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This is a very interesting and timely novel about the Uber-wealthy and those who serve them. In the gilded tower of an exclusive NYC building we meet the inhabitants at 2 very different apartments, Julian and Emily. Beneath them, is Chicky the doorman, struggling in every area of his life. As the city boils after the murder of a black man by police, the novel brings all the players together during a night of extreme and intense violence.

I am a huge Pavone fan and as a dweller in the neighborhood (not a fancy building) I was totally drawn into the book. Pavone is a wonderful writer and he manages to capture the mood of a city, exploding with hatred. Sadly, at a most appropriate moment. I felt like I knew the characters, from the doorman to the super; from the nanny to the tycoon.

I definitely recommend this book. In fact, if you aren’t familiar with Pavone, it’s a great time to read some of his earlier books. Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read and review one of my favorite authors.

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This author has written a few fabulous books that I loved. They were of the woman spy genre and I was hoping this book would be similar. The book centers around Chickie, a doorman who has lots of recent tragedy, is in debt up to his eyeballs and begins to make some poor choices. Things are not going well for him. Chickie's problems are put forth in the book little by little. Too slow, actually in that I got bored with the story. His chapters are interspersed with chapters about the various apartment owners. People with problems, some despicable human beings--believable people, if not likeable. This book was longer than it needed to be. I believe that part of this was that the author was on the bandwagon about race, police, white privilege. I would have skipped this book if I would have realized the agenda. The author needs to realize that they are either preaching to the choir or trying to change opinions of long ingrained racism. This book won't cause people to change the way they think. Personally, I just want to read a good book that will allow me to ignore life's BS for awhile. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary ARC. This review is my own opinion.
3 stars

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The Doorman by Chris Pavone is a retelling of Upstairs Downstairs against the backdrop of racial unrest in the city. This book has also been compared to a modern Bonfires of the Vanities. The Bohemia is a dignified anachronistic apartment dwelling in a classy neighborhood of NYC. It here that the lives of the wealthy and the servitude collide.

The main characters center around Chicky Diaz, the doorman, who along with the other mostly Latino crew, open doors, carry packages and clean the sidewalk of the tenant’s dogs residue. Of course he has his own problems and life that is so separated from the resident’s that it’s moot to even compare.

Upstairs the story concentrates on mostly two apartments. That of Emily Longworth who leads the seemingly perfect life with two children and a “perfect” husband. She keeps herself busy with the children’s lives and her charity work. But it seems the more she learns about Whit Longworth, the more despicable he becomes until even the hundreds of thousands of dollars he makes in a day don’t make up for his reprehensible behavior.

Another resident is Julian Sonnenberg has recently learned of a troubling health problem. He currently also buried in financial problems resulting in changes in the political climate and the fine art business.

In the city there’s a riot brewing as a result of the police killing of an unarmed black man.

In the basement the Ukrainian super and the black and Hispanic working crew are preparing for a dangerous night ahead. Chicky is packing heat for the first time.

Author Chris Pavone has crafted a tale that juxtaposes privilege, racism, social justice, and murder.

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pavone never fails to provide a “can’t put it down” read. Chicky the doorman at a posh New York City residence is caught up in the drama of its extremely wealthy residents. Athe story is athe compelling part. AThe ending, unforeseen but satisfying. Really good read.

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This book was way more than I expected. As a fan of Chris Pavone, I expected a good story with the twists and turns and to be honest, I kind of predicted the finale. What I didnt expect was the colorful descriptions and charactrers , all the references of our current cultural environment, wokeness, condemnation and quite frankly, brilliance in what has become the sad backdrop of what this country has chosen for their "democracy". It was so ocurrant that there were terms that I needed to google , as a very aware New Yorker, living in the precise neighborhood the book is set in, some of the quite frankly, disgusting references. At times shockingly on target and frightening with some happy endings.

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Wow, I've read everyone of Chris Pavone's books and in this case, he more than outdid himself. Wow, the story itself, sort of predictable but the cultural and political background was perfectly cast given the election we just had. You wonder if people like this really exist and if this type of lifestyle is that extreme but wow wow wow... It was great and this most definitely will rise to the top of everyones list.

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THE DOORMAN was an unfortunate DNF for me. The story had promise with quick introductions to key characters to set up their histories and motivations. But after a quarter of the book, it was clear that this was the kind of novel that was going to drag endlessly. And while I’m not anti long and winding novels, this was presented as a faster paced and high energy story - and simply did not deliver.

Thanks to NetGalley and Farrar, Straus and Giroux for the opportunity to read and review THE DOORMAN.

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