Cover Image: Dare To Rock

Dare To Rock

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Member Reviews

Although this is part of a series, this is the first Dare to Love book I have read. Like with most series that I read, I did not feel like I missed out on anything I know that I could have enjoyed it even more if I had read the entire series. Carly Phillips gives enough background on the characters that I could dive right into the story and not wonder what was happening or where that thought had come from.
Avery is a great character. She is strong and faithful not only to Grey, but to her siblings and friends also. Even when doubt starts to set in on her she knows that she has to handle and come to terms with whatever is going on. It would have been easier to run away, hide, and never come out again she manages to continue to her life her way.

Grey is, of course, the best character in the book. He is hot, sexy, and alpha male in the best way possible. He is not the cocky musician that a lot of other authors portray them as. What turned me on the most is just the fact that he stood by Avery. It didn’t matter what was happening in her life or who was telling him to back off he just stayed there, by her side.

While the sex scenes are crazy hot, they were tasteful. There were some dirty words, but they were exchanged in the heat of the moment, not taken to be foul. The love between Avery and Grey was evident in everything they did.

I was not ready for this story to end. I wanted more. There could have been more about the stalker. I wanted to know what happen to Simon. Her brothers and sister each have their own book, but I could have handled more about them also.

I recommend this series. I know that I will be checking out the rest of this series.

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Sorry I was not able to read you book but it went to archive before I could get to it. Sorry once again.

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I really liked this book was good an well written with good characters cant wait for more from this series. would recommend

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