Member Reviews

This book is not for everyone. It's not a light read at all. This is an in-depth look at the doctrine(s) of the sufficiency and supremacy of Christ, how faith and works come together in the life of a growing believer to God's glory and so much more. Tchividjian, one of Billy Graham's grandsons, opens the book in the way that many Christian living books do -- telling about a personal and professional crossroads that he had reached that caused him to examine what Jesus meant to him. However, after that someone easy-reading section, he delves deep into scripture, focusing on the book of Colossians, but in a topical way, not a verse by verse study.
I started off marking sections of interest with post-it flags, but there quickly became too many to be useful. I found chunks of text on each page that were so profound or that I wanted to remember. I realized that this was a book that I would want to revisit soon, perhaps journaling my way through it. Fortunately, I noticed that there is a comprehensive topical index for me to refer to if I am teaching or need a word of personal encouragement. The other thing that helped alleviate my disappointment that the book was ending
After the initial personal section, I went through this book very very slowly, reading only a few pages each morning to give it a chance to sink in and take hold.
This book explores a crucial doctrine in the life of any Christian, but it's one that has not been exhaustively explored. If you are looking for some solid meat in your spiritual diet, I can highly recommend Jesus + Nothing = Everything.