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Lerner Publishing Group creates nonfiction and fiction books that educate, empower and entertain readers. We publish under several imprints, each with a unique age and content focus. Whether you are looking for engaging picture books, high-quality supplemental nonfiction, graphic novels, or boundary-pushing young adult novels, you will find what your readers need to grow and learn.
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Lerner Publishing Group encourages requests from librarians, educators, booksellers, media, bloggers and freelance reviewers, but reserves the right to accept or decline all requests on a case-by-case basis. Our goal is to generate buzz for our titles on public platforms such as Amazon, LibraryThing, Goodreads, Indiebound,, and other sites, and also to get feedback from early reviewers within Netgalley.
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• We prioritize readers who regularly submit feedback or post public reviews. Please share your reviews with us, including the name of the publication/blog, the link, and the date the review will be published, or let us know if you will not be able to review and why.
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• Please post public reviews on 3rd party sites on or soon after the publication date. We reserve the right to send an email reminder of the publication date to all downloaders of all galleys. You will not be added to any marketing email lists without specifically opting in.
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